Monday 14 April 2014

 If needed, please use the Google translate button to switch the following family letter into the language of your preference.  
Thank you Mrs. Delicaet


                   Three Billy Goats Gruff

The children in Kindergarten have been having fun telling stories based on common fairy tales. They especially love the story “Three Billy Goats Gruff”. In their school bag, please find puppets that your child can use to act out the story to you, other children in the family and friends. If you are unfamiliar with the story, read it out loud with your child and then encourage him to use the puppets. The great thing about fairy tales is that the story is very repetitive, so that children are easily able to remember the story.

What are the Benefits of Story Telling?
Storytelling improves language skills such as vocabulary, prediction, sequencing, comprehension and story structure.  These skills will also help children become better readers and writers. Children who engage in story telling activities learn about history and culture, develop emotionally and have better self-esteem. Storytelling stimulates imagination. Storytelling also creates a love of story that translates into a life-long love of books.

Here are seven ways you can teach your kids the art of storytelling:
·      Expose them to good storytelling- stories can be based on a familiar book or a story that begins with an idea and is generated on the spot

·      Let them choose their story.  Don’t worry if your child wants the same story over and over again.  Repeated stories build confidence and competence

·      Be expressive.  Good storytelling uses body language. Encourage your child to change the expression in their voice  based on the character (e.g., loud, soft; low or high pitched)

·      Try wordless books( books without words)—wordless books usually have a clear setting, characters and some cues that inspire imagination

·      Practice, practice, practice. Children will become more comfortable with storytelling by practicing.  Practice makes memorization of the story easier, too, Help you child with the words  if they forget a part or get a little tongue-tied. As well, your child might want to change the wording of the story or even some of the events. That's all right since they are using their imagination and putting their stamp on the story. Remember, have fun.  

Leslie Delicaet
Speech-Language Pathologist
Calgary Board of Education |
t | 403-777-8720 |  ext 2285
f | 403-777-8729

Lunch on APRIL 25 th

Subway lunch orders due before April 17

Crazy Hat Day  April 16

will be delivered to the school on Wednesday, April 16th.  

Come to the staffroom between 3:10 -4:10 pm to pick-up your order.

If you cannot pick-up at that time call Nova at 403-604-5531 to discuss other arrangements.

Students do not attend school on

Friday April 18 and Monday April 21

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